# Transfer SpoilerSync picture to GSAK user notes
# 1. Run spoiler sync (make sure you check the box "create web pages for spoilers and index"
# 2. Run this macro, and enter the folder where you spoilersync files are
#Debug Status=on
# get folder from saved settings if file exists
If FileExists($_Install + "\Macros\SpoilerSync.dat")
Set $pics = GetFile($_Install + "\Macros\SpoilerSync.dat")
# Just in case file permission error or something test for error
IF Left($Pics,7) = "*Error*"
Pause Msg="$Pics"
Set $pics = " "
# get the folder where the spoilers pics are
Input Msg="Enter the folder where the spoilder pics can be found" Default=$Pics VarName=$pics Browse="Folder"
If .not. FolderExists($pics)
Pause Msg="Error: Folder does not exist, Macro will now abort"
# Save the folder so don't have to key if same next time
Set $error = PutFile($_Install + "\Macros\SpoilerSync.dat",$pics)
# Just in case file permission error or something test for error
IF Left($Error,7) = "*Error*"
Pause Msg="$Error"
Set $ThisRecord = 0
Set $NumberFound = 0
Set $NumberPics = 0
Goto Position=Top
# now loop through the current subset to find corresponding spoilder HTML files
While .not. $_EOL
# set up totals to show status to user
Set $ThisRecord = $ThisRecord + 1
Set $status = "Now processing: " + "$ThisRecord" + " of " + "$_Count"
ShowStatus msg="$status"
Set $HtmFile = $Pics + "\" + $d_Code + ".html"
If FileExists($HtmFile)
# we have found a matching spoiler file so interrogate the HTML for pictures
Set $data = GetFile($HtmFile)
# get the number of pictures in the file
Set $Images = RegExCount("",$data)
Set $x = 0
Set $NumberFound = $NumberFound + 1
Set $Link = " "
While $Images > $x
Set $NumberPics = $NumberPics + 1
Set $x = $x + 1
Set $Image = RegExData("",$data,$x)
# Get everthing after the =
Set $image = Extract($Image,"=",2)
# remove the terminating > tag
Set $image = Extract($Image,">",1)
# remove the double quotes (pb)
Set $image = Substr($Image, 2, len($Image)-2)
# genrate the required URL syntax to add to GSAK user notes
Set $image = $image + $_NewLine + "
Set $Link = $link + $image + $_NewLine
Set $Link = "*Spoiler Pictures*" + $_NewLine + $Link + "*End Spoilers*"
Set $UserNote = $d_UserNote
# now if alredy spoiler pictures in user notes we must remove them and replace
# with he ones just found
if RegEx("\*Spoiler Pictures\*",$UserNote)
# preserve any notes before the spoilers
Set $Part1 = Extract($d_UserNote,"*Spoiler Pictures*",1)
# preserve any notes after the spoilers
Set $Part2 = Extract($d_UserNote,"*End Spoilers*",2)
# now insert then new spoiler links
Set $UserNote = $Part1 + $Link + $Part2
# else part - No spoiler pictures, but we must put them in before the User logs
If RegEx("\$~",$UserNote)
# User losgs found, so seperate the user notes from the logs
Set $User = Extract($UserNote,"$~",1)
Set $Log = Extract($UserNote,"$~",2)
# now put in the spoiler links between the two
Set $UserNote = $User + $link + "$~" + $Log
# else there are no user logs, so just add the spoilers to any user notes
Set $UserNote = $UserNote + $Link
Set $d_UserNote = $UserNote
Goto Position=Next
Goto Position=Top
Set $Message = "$NumberFound" + " caches updated from spoiler sync folder." + $_NewLine + "$NumberPics" + " pictures found in total. "
Pause msg=$Message